Whole school

On one hand... On the other hand...
Really useful worksheet when comparing / contrasting / discussing a topic. Place your task in the middle of the worksheet and get students to record key points for either side of an argument or debate within the hand prints. Works really well in groups when printed on A3 paper.

AQA A Geography (Legacy) 2015 Question Level Analysis (QLA)
Question level analysis (QLA) spreadsheet for AQA A Geography (legacy) specification used for pre-public examination (PPE) / mock exams. Uses 2015 past paper available to freely download from http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/geography/gcse/geography-a-9030/past-papers-and-mark-schemes
The spreadsheet allows you to input the individual marks for each sub-question answered. The cells automatically colour code using traffic light colours to show the students level of response for each sub-question (use a * for any unattempted questions). A grade is also automatically calculated.
The spreadsheet is set up for the following topics (but could easily be adapted):
Paper 1: The Restless Earth, Water on the Land and The Coastal Zone
Paper 2: Population Change, Changing Urban Environments and Tourism

Describing Patterns in Geography - TEA
Poster for classroom - how to describe patterns in Geography using TEA (Trend, Example and Anomaly)

AQA Geography New GCSE 9-1 I Can Success Criteria Tracking Sheet
**NEW** An Excel tracking sheet for the whole course of the new AQA GCSE Geography 9-1 course. Includes I can success criteria statements for each unit of the course (including core and optional units). Cells are conditional formatted to turn red or green to show whether students have met the I can success criteria or not. Easy to see gaps in whole class / cohort and focus intervention where required. Ready to use - just copy and paste in your student names from your registration system.

Water on the Land Knowledge Organiser
Student Knowledge Organiser with key content for the GCSE AQA A Geography Water on the Land topic.

Explaining using the 'So What?' rule
Poster for classroom illustrating and modelling the 'so what?' rule. An effective rule to help your students explain in more detail.